政府在二零一三年五月二十一日向立法會福利事務委員會提交 CB(2)1129/12-13(07)號文件,表示:『香港現行的退休保障制度包括三根支柱, 分別為無須供款的社會保障制度(由綜合社會保障援助(綜援)計劃,以及高齡津貼、長者生活津貼和傷殘津貼計劃組成)、自2000年起實施的強制性公積金(強積金)制度、以及個人自願儲蓄組成。這模式與世界銀行倡議的多根支柱模式相符。』
『就此,扶貧委員會的社會保障和退休保障專責小組在 3月18 日的第二次會議上同意邀請周永新教授就退休保障進行研究,提出其他完善長者社會保障和退休保障的可行方案。』
Old-Age Income Support in the 21st Century
An International Perspective on Pension Systems and ReformThe suggested multipillar pension system is composed of some combination of five basic elements: (a) a noncontributory or “zero pillar” (in the form of a demogrant or social pension) that provides a minimal level of protection; (b) a “first-pillar” contributory system that is linked to varying degrees to earnings and seeks to replace some portion of income; (c) a mandatory “second pillar” that is essentially an individual savings account; (d) voluntary “third-pillar” arrangements that can take many forms (individual, employer sponsored, defined benefit, defined contribution) but are essentially flexible and discretionary in nature; and (e) informal intrafamily or intergenerational sources of both financial and nonfinancial support to the elderly, including access to health care and housing.
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Adequate refers to both the absolute level (preventing old-age poverty) as well as the relative level (replacing sufficient lifetime earnings) of retirement income that the pension system will provide. The goal of any pension reform should be to ensure that all people regardless of their level or form of economic activity have access to the capacity to remain out of extreme poverty in old age and that the system as a whole provides assurances that those individuals who live beyond the expected norms will be protected from the “risk” of extreme longevity.
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table 5.1. Multipillar Pension Taxonomy Page 82